The Satsuki Odamura Koto Ensemble
Contact The Sasuki Odamura Koto Ensemble
T: 0407 311 033
The Satsuki Odamura Koto Ensemble is led by Satsuki Odamura, the Director of the Koto Music Institute of Australia, and has been performing in venues and at festivals throughout the country for the last 10 years. The ensemble involves both the standard thirteen-string koto and the seventeen-string bass koto. Contemporary compositions form the foundation of the ensemble’s repertoire and the music played explores the depth and breadth of the koto’s sound. The energy of the musician’s performance creates a dynamic stage presence, displaying the power and elegance for which the institute is known.
The Satsuki Odamura Koto Ensemble はオーストラリアの様々な音楽シーンで活躍している小田村さつき師範の指導のもと、シドニーを中心にオーストラリア各地の色々なイベントで箏の演奏活動を行なっています。箏といえば日本の伝統楽器で古典的な音楽をイメージされる方が多いと思う思いますが、私達アンサンブルは箏の伝統 古典的な要素を基本としながらも現代音楽を取り入れた沢井忠男
上昇の彼方 (Beyond the Rise)