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Art Directory > Featured Artists
Feature Showko Showfukutei Art Directory > Featured Artists A ventriloquist, a Rakugo performer, and a puppet walk into a bar... Updating 400 year old punchlines with Showko Showfukutei Showko Showfukutei is one of Australia’s brightest entertainers who expresses her Japanese heritage through contemporary comedy. Her performance palette spans the traditional Japanese story-telling art form of…
Feature Melinda Heal Art Directory > Featured Artists Beyond the Surface: Melinda Heal’s Textile Dye Practice Japanese Somé dye traditions Katazome and Yuzen offer richly detailed patterns and graphic elements in textile design through resist dye processes. Beyond kimono, these dye practices are surfacing in contemporary textile art due to their expressive potential. Australian artist…
We sat and chatted with Australian-based Japanese butoh dancer and choreographer Yumi Umiumare, and talked about her practice.